Employee Guide to Safe Trick or Treating
This evenings trick or treating may be all trick tomorrow morning if not managed correctly!
There was a time when Halloween was a religious event dedicated to remembering the dead, for some people it still is, but for the majority the annual event is an opportunity for abandoning conventional attire and having a fancy-dress party, at which alcohol will be conjured into strange cocktails which look more interesting than they taste. On the bright side this means that your employees are unlikely to be hung over on 1st November, but they may be nursing an injury, because of, their over enthusiastic attempt to re-enact the dance from the Michael Jackson Thriller video!
For those employees with children, especially if they are primary school aged, and with this week being a half term holiday for many, tonight is going to be full of lessons in extorting chocolate from neighbours under the threat of violence and criminal damage.
As Trick or Treating is not something that earlier generations participated in to the extent that today’s youngsters do it is possible that many of your employees may not be aware how to enjoy trick or treating safely so alongside allowing parents to leave early you can further add to your emotional bank account by making a guide to safe trick or treating available.
Following a few common-sense guidelines can ensure that your employees and their children have a safe and enjoyable trick or treat evening
- Make arrangement with friends and neighbours that it is alright for your children to knock on the door
- Stay in groups of three or more
- Follow the Green Cross Code when crossing roads, no matter how quiet the road may seem to be
- Stay on the pavement and walk don’t run
- Carry a flashlight and batteries and a cell phone,
- Try to keep one hand free at all times (for holding handrails or catching yourself if you trip)
- Trick-or-treat at homes that are well-lit
- Don’t enter homes or apartments; the front door is as far as you need to go
- Don’t use short-cuts through alleys, yards or parks
- Walk, don’t run. Unseen objects on lawns or uneven terrain are tripping hazards
- Don’t accept food treats that are unwrapped or home-made from people that you do not know
- Don’t eat any treats until you’ve inspected them
- Respect that not everyone wants to be involved.
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But there is no reason why the children should have all the fun.
When I worked in North America or with North Americans in other parts of the world they have always brought the fun of Halloween to work.
Putting a carved pumpkin on your reception desk or have a competition to see which employee can carve the best one and make a display of them, is a great way to show you are embracing the fun of Halloween.
You might even be able to add pumpkin soup to the menu or donate it to a soup kitchen!
Simply adding some Halloween themed cakes to the coffee and tea breaks can be the catalyst that helps to break down barriers and start a conversation.
Changing the menu in the staff dining room can be another way to get colleagues eating together and people that eat together tend to communicate more when they are not eating, as well.
Enjoy your Halloween!
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